Hanging signs are important not only for proper business identification, but for brand building and advertising. These hanging signs can be much more appealing and profitable, and compliment your business signage, due to their placement. An elevated positioning of your business signage allows you to stand out and be noticed amongst other businesses, that may be seeking the same target audience.

Aluminum Hanging Signs
Aluminum hanging signs are an effective and affordable way to promote your business or event. Because our custom aluminum hanging signs are available in five thicknesses you can select the appropriate thickness for your application, climate or mounting location. Our aluminum hanging signs are available in the traditional shapes (square, rectangle and vertical rectangle) as well as any custom shape. A custom shaped hanging sign is bound to get more attention in a sky full of competitors and their traditional approach to signage.
Alumalite Hanging Signs
Alumalite Hanging Signs are commonly chosen when you are in need of a lightweight but durable hanging sign. Alumalite's construction makes it lightweight but extremely strong. Produced with a corrugated plastic core that is sandwiched between two factory sealed sheets of aluminum, alumalite is exceptionally strong and rigid but doesn't carry the weight that other heavier hanging sign materials have.
Dibond Hanging Signs
Dibond Hanging Signs are the some of the strongest hanging signs available. Dibond is made from a solid plastic core between two solid sheets of aluminum. The plastic core adds thickness, body and rigidity to hanging signs but remains lightweight. Because dibond hanging signs are lightweight, they are easy to install, mount or hang. When designing your dibond hanging signs, the options are limitless. Offered in two different thicknesses, both of which are available in any shape, size or style, allow dibond hanging signs to be customized to your exact specifications.
ARMOUR-Wood Hanging Signs
ARMOUR-Wood Hanging Signs have superior construction and versatility. ARMOUR-Wood hanging signs combine the strength of wooden signs with the durability of factory sealed high gloss aluminum. The solid wood core is surrounded by heavy gauge aluminum sheets, producing the strongest hanging sign material available. Our ARMOUR-Wood hanging signs are 1/2" thick and are available in any traditional shape as well as any size. Standard with all ARMOUR-Wood hanging signs is our custom trim cap. Trim cap not only offers additional protection to the edges of your hanging signs but creates a decorative, professional frame around your sign. Our trim cap is available in custom colors and can be used to contrast your hanging sign or discretely blend in.
Dura-wood Hanging Signs
Dura-wood Hanging Signs have long been the hanging sign material standard. Dura-wood hanging signs are not only affordable, they are lightweight, durable and portable, making them easy and quick to install. Dura-wood hanging signs can be used just about anywhere to advertise and promote your business or event message. Properly mounted Dura-wood hanging signs command the attention of potential clients, patrons and and even just those passing by. Due to modern manufacturing advancements these hanging signs are more durable then ever before, making them a wise investment for your business or promotion.
Sandblasted Redwood Hanging Signs
Sandblasted Redwood Hanging Signs have rich natural beauty and a long lasting durable, performance. Our redwood hanging signs are less likely to split, cup, warp or chip than any other wood used to produced hanging signs. Sandblasted redwood hanging signs provide you with a naturally beautiful hanging sign with quality performance. Because of redwood's natural and organic nature, all of your hanging signs produced are crafted with an unique look and finish. We can create your hanging signs in any shape, size or style you seek, in addition can be one or two sided. With proper care and installation your redwood hanging signs will continue to work for you and your business for years to come.
HDU Hanging Signs
HDU Hanging Signs can give you the appearance of a wood sign, all without the weathering problems. We offer HDU hanging signs in a variety of textures and styles. These options give you the opportunity to create a hanging signs that fit your business and personal image. Whether it's a wood grain, smooth, pebble or venetian finish, your hanging signs will reflect you and your business with style and professionalism. HDU signs are crafted with a "carved" appearance. Raised letters, numbers, logos and images produce a dimensional hanging sign, that is built to last.
Coroplast Hanging Signs
Coroplast Hanging Signs give you the ability to reach and promote your business or event to a large audience, all at an affordable cost. Our coroplast hanging signs are crafted and printed to exceed your personal or business needs. Coroplast, also known as "plastic cardboard" are perfect for repeated outdoor and indoor use, allowing you to consistently move ahead of your competition. For ease in installation, your coroplast hanging signs can be crafted with grommets, creating a professional and durable hanging sign.